Rental Equipment

Vacuum Pump Rentals

Wintek Corporation has ~25 industrial vacuum system and vacuum pump rentals of various configurations available for rent on either a short-term or long-term basis including:
• SS and XP Liquid Ring Vacuum Systems
Boosted Vacuum Systems for low operating pressures
Dry Screw Vacuum Pumps & Systems
Knock-Out Pots (can be rented by themselves or also with vacuum systems)
• Rotary Piston and Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps

Please see the table below before a more detailed description of each rental. Click on the  in order to see a photo of each system.

Wintek Serial #TypeWintek Model #DetailsPerformanceExplosion Proof?Materials of ConstructionControl Panel?Electrical DetailShipping DimensionsShipping Weight (lbs)Price ($/month)Photo
06R005Soil Vapor Extraction SystemKO16-1T-VMX100V-K7.5 hp Oil-sealed liquid ring vacuum pump w/ 16" knock-out pot and a transfer pump95 ACFM @ 125 TorrNoCS/CIYesNEMA 12 Panel - 230/460V85''L x 36''W x 85''H1,500$2,400
06R007Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemC35R7-WSS-150V-1FR10 hp Liquid ring vacuum pump w/ pre-condenser and 7-gal condensate receiver115 ACFM @ 100 TorrNoCS/CIYesNEMA 12 Panel - 230/460V85''L x 35''W x 75''H1,650$2,400
09R009Boosted/Rotary Vane Vacuum PumpEH500-RA1002 hp Rotary lobe booster backed by a 5 hp oil lubricated rotary vane pump205 ACFM @ 3 TorrNoCS/CINo230/460V47''L x 40''W x 44''H550$1,800
12R018Boosted/Rotary Vane Vacuum PumpEH250-RA00252 hp Rotary lobe booster backed by a 1.5 hp oil lubricated rotary vane pump150 ACFM @ 1.5 TorrNoCS/CINo230/460V38"L x 34"W x 36"H350$1,800EH250-RA0025 Boosted Rotary Vane Pump
12R020Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemC32R50ss-E-WSS-100V-1FR7.5 hp Liquid ring vacuum pump w/ pre-condenser, 50-gal condensate receiver w/ cooling jacket and air-jet100 ACFM @ 100 TorrYesCS/CINoJunction box - 230/460V80"L x 63"W x 100"H2,600$3,600
12R021Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemF-WSS-80V-1FR5 hp Liquid ring vacuum pump w/ inlet filter and separator tank w/ demister and removable top70 ACFM @ 75 TorrYesCS/CINo230/460V60"L x 30"W x 60"H850$2,400
13R028Tank Mounted Rotary Vane PumpR200-W-RC025010 hp Rotary vane pump, 200-gal condensate receiver 120 ACFM @ 75 TorrNoCS/CIYes230/460V72"L x 30"W x 66"H1,200$2,100
14R029Dry Screw Vacuum SystemKO8-VSB320-AC15R2010 hp Dry screw vacuum pump w/ an inlet knock-out pot, after-condenser, and 20-gal condensate receiver140 ACFM @ 1 TorrYesCS/CIYesNEMA 7 Panel - 230/460V72"L x 60"W x 84"H3,500$6,000
14R030Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemC35R30-1T-WSS-75/2-1FR-ACss5 hp Liquid ring vacuum pump w/ a pre-condenser, 30-gal condensate receiver, transfer pump, and an after-condenser75 ACFM @ 100 TorrYesStainless SteelYesNEMA 7 Panel - 230/460V80"L x 63"W x 100"H2,500$4,200
14R031Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemC24R30-WSS-75/2-1FR-ACss5 hp Liquid ring vacuum pump w/ a pre-condenser, 30-gal condensate receiver, and an after-condenser75 ACFM @ 100 TorrYesStainless SteelYesNEMA 7 Panel - 230/460V80"L x 63"W x 100"H2,500$4,200
14R033Two-Stage Rotary Piston Vacuum PumpKTC-1127 hp Rotary piston pump, 3 micron blank-off90 ACFM @ 100 TorrN/ACS/CINo230/460V54"L x 48"W x 60"H900$2,400
15R034Knock-Out PotW12csKnock-Out Pot (non-code), 3" 150#RF in/out, SS demister, removable topN/AN/ACS/CIN/AN/A81"L x 32"W x 30"H600$450
15R037Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemWSS-200V-1FR15 hp Liquid ring vacuum pump150 ACFM @ 125 TorrNoCS/CIYesNEMA 12 Panel - 230/460V80"L x 40"W x 55"H1,000$2,250
15R038Knock-Out PotW12csKnock-Out Pot (non-code), 3" 150#RF in/out, SS demister, removable topN/AN/ACS/CIN/AN/A81"L x 32"W x 30"H600$450
15R040Oil-Free Rotary Vane PumpRVD018L-011.2 hp Dry rotary vane pump, single phase motor16 ACFM @ 90 TorrN/ACS/CINo208/230/460V25"L x 35"W x 26"H100$330
20R045MSDU Test RigMSDU-LTMolecular sieve dehydration pilot-scale liquid phase testing unitN/AYesStainless SteelYesNEMA 4 Panel - 120V96"L x 48"W x 80"H500$6,000
21R047Knock-Out PotW12ssKnock-Out Pot (non-code), 3" 150#RF in/out, SS demister, removable topN/AN/AStainless SteelN/AN/A81"L x 32"W x 30"H600$600
22R049Boosted Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemB200-WSS-141/2-1FR5 hp Booster backed by a 10 hp 2-stage liquid ring vacuum pump180 ACFM @ 20 TorrNoCS/CIYesNEMA 4 Panel - 460V70"L x 35"W x 80"H2,100$3,600Boosted Liquid Ring Rental System 22R049
22R050Tank Mounted Rotary Vane PumpR80-RVL0402.4 hp Rotary vane pump w/ 80-gal holding tank40 ACFM @ 10 TorrNoCS/CIYesNEMA 4 Panel - 230/460V80"L x 36"W x 50"H500$1,500
23R051Tank Mounted Oil-Sealed Liquid Ring PumpR80ss-WVMX0063KA15 hp Oil-sealed liquid ring vacuum pump mounted on an 80-gal SS holding tank45 ACFM @ 60 TorrNoCS/CIYesNEMA 12 Panel - 208/230/460V85"L x 36"W x 85"H1,500$2,400Tank-mounted oil-sealed liquid ring pump, 208V
24R052Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemCR20-WSS-35/V-1FRss3 hp Liquid ring vacuum pump w/ pre-condenser and 20-gallon condensate receiver 10 ACFM @ 200 TorrNoStainless SteelNo230/460V64"L x 45"W x 58"H900$2,400
24R053Liquid Ring Vacuum SystemWSS-300-2-1FRss25 HP two stage liquid ring vacuum pump, full recovery sealant system. All SS construction. Class 1. Div 2.250 ACFM @ 120 TorrYesStainless SteelYesNEMA 7 Control Panel 230/460V90”L x 44”W x 84”H3,000$4,500