Knockout Pots

Knockout Pots, also called Vapor-Liquid Separators, prevent entrained droplets, liquids and particulates from reaching vacuum pumps and also other process equipment. Commonly used on extruder vents or downstream of vacuum condensers, Wintek inlet separators have a high efficiency while maintaining a low pressure drop. Vapor liquid separation is achieved by several methods including velocity reduction, directional changes and also multiple levels of impingement from demister pads and filter elements. Additionally, a quick-opening lid allows for easy access for cleaning and maintenance.
Similar to our process vacuum systems, Wintek often customizes our vessels to fit the needs of our customers. For example, we have designed dual knockout pot skids to automatically alternative which unit is in operation. This allows for servicing one unit while maintaining operation. Wintek customizes different attributes of the knockout pots as well. RTDs and level switches provide accurate data reading within the vessels. Previous designs include a transfer pump options for low vapor pressure solvents to be removed while maintaining operation.
Depending on the application, Wintek can size the best separator for your vacuum system. Additionally, Wintek also has vapor-liquid separators within its rental fleet for short term uses.
Standard Design Features for Knockout Pots include the following:
Wintek Knockout Pot Models
Model Number | ACFM | Diameter | Height | Liquid Holding Volume (gallons) | Inlet/ Outlet |
W-8 | 150 | 8" | 57" | 3 | 2" |
W-12 | 350 | 12" | 71" | 9 | 3" |
W-16 | 600 | 16" | 81" | 15 | 4" |
W-24 | 1500 | 24" | 93" | 40 | 6" |
W-30 | 2500 | 30" | 111" | 80 | 8" |
W-36 | 3500 | 36" | 128" | 125 | 10" |